From the derelict hulk of ex-Sudanese Air Force DHC-5D Buffalo 811...

DHC-5 Buffalo in 2002 at Greenville SC.

...emerges a tribute to Canadian Peacekeepers and the crew and passengers of the last flight of Canadian Forces Buffalo 115461.


On August 9, 1974, Canadian Forces CC-115 Buffalo 115461 (Buffalo 461) was shot down over Syria resulting in the deaths of 9 Canadian Peacekeepers. This site documents the restoration of a Buffalo in tribute to Canadian Peacekeepers and the crew and passengers of the last flight of Buffalo 461.

A full description of the restoration project is at our RESTORATION page. To learn more about Buffalo 115461, 116 ATU, UNEF2, and 115 ATU check out our BUFFALO 461 page. A general history and compilation of Canadian Forces Buffalo aircraft start on the CANADIAN CC-115s page. The restoration crew gratefully acknowledge the remarkable act of generosity by DAC Aviation International for the donation of Buffalo aircraft to the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum.

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Last updated: May 2015

Note from webmaster: I have not been able to update this site for a couple of years due to other commitments. I am now working on adding material sent to me since the last site revision (early 2013) plus other needed updates. Thank you for your patience.

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